now the red hood faces you

6. Клаудиа Грей — Голос крови

She realized, then, something she had never fully understood before. She’d always wondered what had led her father to turn to the dark side, to become Darth Vader. She’d imagined it came from ambition, greed, or some other venal weakness. Never had she considered that the turn might begin in a better place, out of the desire to save someone or to avenge a great wrong. Even if it led to evil, that first impulse might be born of loyalty, a sense of justice, or even love.

Had it been like that for her father? She could never know. But for the first time in a very long while, she had some sense of who Anakin Skywalker might have been before his fall, and of the goodness that must have survived in him through all the darkness, all the years.

7. Jason Fry — Star Wars: The Last Jedi novel.

Do you know what a true Jedi would do right now?” Luke asked, as if they had all the time in the world. “Nothing … If you meet the raiding party with force, they’ll be back next month—with greater numbers and greater violence. Will you be here next month?

8. Дэвид Митчелл — Литературный призрак.
Lunatics are writers whose works write them, Bat

9. Гиллиан Флинн — Темные тайны

10. Пола Хокинс — Девушка в поезде

11. Гиллиан Флинн — Острые предметы
А если изобразить на бумаге мою душу, получится дурацкая каракуля с клыками

12. Клаудиа Грей — Потерянные звезды

13. Чак Вендиг — Последствия: Конец Империи

14. Тимоти Зан — Трилогия о Трауне. Книга 1. Наследник Империи

15. Тимоти Зан — Трилогия о Трауне. Книга 2. Возрождение тьмы

16. Тимоти Зан — Трилогия о Трауне. Книга 3. Последний приказ

17. Гиллиан Флинн — Исчезнувшая

18. Ю Несбе — Снеговик

19. Джейн Макгонигал — Super Better

20. Керри Паттерсон — Трудные диалоги

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